Saturday, August 28, 2010

Centerburg vs. Cardington

What a fantastic first game. I am so proud of everyone. The first show went great. Yeah we had our small hic-ups here and there but overall you did a fantastic.....sorry BANDtastic job! Everything from playing in the stands, performing on the field, and cheering with the cheerleaders just shows how exciting and spirited you are. Your PRIDE has come alive! What a great group you are! I can't wait to play for our home crowd. They are going to be so impressed by you and what you are doing.

Congratulations on a job well done! Look forward to seeing how well you do at the next game!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Band Camp in Review

Band Camp is now over. What a wonderful week it has been. I can not explain in just words how extremely proud I am of all of the band members. This week has been warm and exhausting but with little complaining (at least not to my face :-) we have learned a lot and accomplished a lot. The preview concert was fantastic. If that is what we sound like that when we are tired and exhausted then I can't wait to hear what we sound like when we are full rested.

Our leadership this year has been stellar. Section leaders, Officers, and our Field Commander have all gone above and beyond. It is obvious that they have put in some extra time to help make things more exciting and fun for everyone involved. Miss Spreng and Nikki have both added some great help to our program and are doing a great job at filling in. All of these have been a great resource for us and have given us such a new and great attitude, spirit, and source of pride! THANK YOU to all the leaders for what you have done!

Noobs! All our new members have done a wonderful job. You have learned so much and have already started to develop into a wonderful, talented, spirited band. This is just the start of great things to come.

Next stop - Cedar Point. Then football season and not long after that FLORIDA!

Thank you for all your hard work. You make me proud to be the director or the Centerburg Trojan Pride Marching Band! Lets keep it going.